
Skoolmasta is built for every school; this means that as a school administrator, you can customize it to your desired taste. You can also affix the logo of your school, your picture, etc. on each ID card generated on the App for your school.
Academic Monitoring
In this age of digital information, you don’t want to be left behind. As a school administrator or as a parent, Skoolmasta lets you have all the information about your student or ward right at the tip of your fingers. At a go, you can tell which subject(s) or teacher(s) need fine-tuning. You don’t need to stress it any longer; academic improvement smoothens out seamlessly.

School Monitoring
With Skoolmasta, you are simply transposing your school from the crowded milieu of the physical classrooms and school environment into the synchronised digital space where your data is neatly analysed and decisions are easier to take.
Class attendance monitoring
Every school administrator deserves to know at the click of a button, as every parent should, which child/student has missed a class. Some children will deliberately shy away from a class because of their dislike for the subject or the teacher. Skoolmasta is here to fix it!

School attendance monitoring
Insecurity is one of the biggest threats to education in this age and clime. Skoolmasta is the dependable technology for tracking a child’s movement to and from school. As soon as the child arrives the school premises after leaving home, the parent is notified; in the same vein, as soon as the child leaves school to return home, the parent is notified. The school administrator can now gain a deeper level of trust and confidence from parents who, on the other hand, can now take the journey with their children walking right next to their hearts.
Continuous assessment and examination reports are easily compiled, computed and transmitted using Skoolmasta. All of the information a parent needs regarding the performance of the wards is now available at the click of a button.
ID Cards with QR Codes
You can get a lot more information on any staff or student by scanning the QR Codes on their ID cards.